Tuesday, December 29, 2015

A Model for an Annual Spiritual Checkup

I will confess up front that this isn't original to me.  Unfortunately can't remember where I discovered it, so I'm unable to thank the person who created it.  I have made a few minor adjustments so that it is more readily applicable to the average Unitarian Universalist (if there is such a thing).

So ... here are ten questions any person could use as an annual review of his or her spiritual life:
Spiritual Practice
How has your practice been this year? Blossoming? Fading? Faltering? Open? Routine? Is this an area that needs more focus for you?
What have you studied this year (formally or informally)? What have you learned?
Are you worshiping at least weekly? How has that time been? Highs? Lows? Are you taking time to prepare or "just showing up"?
Leader Skills
Do you sense that your capacity to lead has increased? Are you observing the leadership of others? What are you learning?  What have you helped others to learn?
Community Building
How are you helping your congregation to thrive, formally and informally?
Where have you been visible in your faith? What blocks you from action?
Serving Others
Where have you served the wider world this year?
Sense of Growth
Where do you feel you have grown this year – spiritually, emotionally, in terms of relationships, or in terms of knowledge?
How is your sense of living a balanced life? Do you keep any kind of Sabbath?
Growing Edge –  Stretching Beyond the Comfort Zone
If we accept that we are not living in the fullness of beloved community, where are you called to focus in the coming year?

Pax tecum,


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1 comment:

arthurrashap said...

Good review questions Wik!
I am giving myself a reasonable passing grade and opening the door for some goals that fit the spirit for the new year.
How about convening a session for those in the congregation who might want to share answers, be inspired, perhaps get some support?

A Plan B would be to have the various subgroups at TJMCUU share these questions, like Covenant Groups, etc.?
Arthur Rashap